山西大学 李思殿教授 11月14日下午学术报告


报告人: 李思殿教授 (山西大学)

报告题目: 硼基纳米材料和化学中的流变键


报告地点: 910-308会议室



结合最新理论与实验研究结果,围绕平面硼纳米团簇、硼球烯 (Borospherenes)、金属硼球烯 (Metallo-Borospherenes)、金属掺杂硼纳米管分子马达、半导体硼碳二维纳米材料及化学中的流变键(Fluxional Bonds in Chemistry)等主题,展示近年来硼基纳米材料研究取得的显著进展和未来发展趋势。



Prof. Li has carried out joint researches at the University of Sussex in the UK (1990-1992) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Brown University in the US (2006-2007). His fields of interests include experimental and theoretical research in structural chemistry, materials science, and computational chemistry, with over 150 papers published in various international journals. His group in the past two decades have been focusing on planar tetracoordinate carbons and silicons (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2004, 2005; Angew Chem Int. Ed. 2004, 2005), boronyl (BO) chemistry (JACS, 2008; Acc. Chem. Res., 2014), all-boron fullerenes (borospherenes) (Nature Chemistry, 2014; ACS Nano, 2015), metalloborospherenes (Angew Chem Int. Ed. 2015, Nanosacle, 2018), heteroboronanotubes (Nanoscale, 2016, 2017; Chem. Comm.,2016), monolayer (2D) heteroborophenes (Nanoscale 2018; JCP 2013, Sci. Reports, 2017), and fluxional bonds (FBs) in chemistry (J. Comput. Chem., 2019) etc. He has attended various international conferences and presented invited talks on chemical bonds and boron chemistry in the past one decade. As the co-chair of the organizing committee, he organized the 8th national conference on physical chemistry in 2016 and the second international conference on boron chemistry (ICBC-II) in Taiyuan between 14-17 July, 2019. 



