

报告人:梅永丰 教授


题目:Rolled-Up Tubular Optical Microcavity




Optical mcirocavities with whispering-gallery-modes (WGMs) have large potential and in particular, those with a tubular geometry have attracted increasing attention due to their special geometry and interesting properties such as trimmed resonant modes, simplicity as fluidic channels, three-dimensionally (3D) mode confinement, unique evanescent wave, and so on.[1] Here, we introduce the method of rolled-up nanotechnology and their fabrication of tubular microcavities.[1] The modes tuning by rolling design and/or post-coating enables rolled-up tubular microcavities to fulfill the requirement for potential applications.[2,3] Their optofluidic sensing capability is also discussed in both theoretical and experimental issues.[4,5] Rolled-up metamaterials and photonic devices are presented as well.[6] Rolling of photonic nanomembranes or structures suggests many interesting properties, which may be unique for new design in photonic micro-devices.[7,8]


Keywords: Rolled-up Nanotech, microtube, nanomembrane, metamaterial.



[1] Jiao Wang, Tianrong Zhan, Gaoshan Huang, Yongfeng Mei, Laser Photonics Rev. 8, 521 (2014).

[2] Jiao Wang, Tianrong Zhan, Gaoshan Huang, Xugao Cui, Xinhua Hu, and Yongfeng Mei, Opt. Express 20, 18555 (2012).

[3] Libo Ma, Suwit Kiravittaya, Vladimir A. Bolaos Quiones, Shilong Li,Yongfeng Mei, Oliver G. Schmidt, Opt. Lett. 36, 3840 (2011)

[4] Fangyuan Zhao, Tianrong Zhan, Gaoshan Huang, Yongfeng Mei, Xinhua Hu, Lab Chip 12, 3798 (2012).

[5] Gaoshan Huang, VA Bolaos Quiones, Fei Ding, Suwit Kiravittaya, Yongfeng Mei, Oliver G. Schmidt, ACS Nano 4, 3123 (2010).

[6] Shiwei Tang, Yangfu Fang, Zhaowei Liu, Lei Zhou, Yongfeng Mei, Lab Chip DOI: 10.1039/C5LC01266J (2015).

[7] Jing Zhang, Jian Zhong, Yangfu Fang, Jiao Wang, Gaoshan Huang, Xugao Cui, Yongfeng Mei, Nanoscale 6, 13646 (2014).

[8] Jing Zhang, Jinxing Li, Shiwei Tang, Yangfu Fang, Jiao Wang, Gaoshan Huang, Ran Liu, Lirong Zheng, Xugao Cui, Yongfeng Mei. Scientific Reports 5, 15012 (2015)


梅永丰,复旦大学材料科学系教授、博导。1999年和2002年于南京大学物理学系分别获得学士学位和硕士学位,2005年于香港城市大学物理与材料科学系获得理学博士学位,2005-2007年在德国斯图加特马克思普朗克协会固态研究所担任博士后,2007-2010年在德国德累斯顿莱布尼茨协会固态与材料研究所担任研究员和课题组长,2010年开始担任复旦大学材料科学系教授、博导。先后获得上海市浦江人才(2011年)、教育部新世纪优秀人才(2012年)、上海市曙光学者(2012年)和国家优秀青年科学基金(2013年)。目前研究方向为新型无机纳米薄膜材料研究,近几年将纳米薄膜材料运用到光学微腔,光流体探测,微纳光电效应,微纳机器人学,柔性无机电子学等方面开展工作。在Chem. Soc. Rev.Phys. Rev. Lett.Adv. Mater.Nano Lett.Small等学术期刊上已发表SCI论文140多篇,他引超过2000次,担任Nanotechnology等国际学术杂志客座编辑以及多个国际学术会议主席。



