Prof. Enrique Miranda 3月15日上午学术报告


Presenter: Prof. Enrique Miranda ,Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Topic: Electron transport mechanism in resistive switching devices

Time: 10:00 AM, Mar.15th (Tuesday)

Location: Conference Room B, BLDG 909-1F



Resistive switching (RS) is a nonvolatile effect based on the formation and dissolution of filamentary paths, which can replace the storage of charge principle used by more conventional memory devices. The effect is observable in a wide variety of oxide materials when used as insulators in metal–oxide–metal (MIM) or metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitor configurations. In the last years, it has been clearly established that the process associated with RS involves the movement of both ions and electrons. In this talk I will present a framework for understanding the current flow in RS devices using the Landauer approach. In this case, the filamentary pathways across the dielectric films area can be considered as nanowires with a certain transmission probability, which depends on the size of the narrowest point along the constriction. When this probability reaches the unity value, the conductance becomes quantized in units of G0=2e2/h, i.e. the quantum conductance unit (with e the electron charge and h the Planck’s constant). According to theory, non-integer values of G0 are also likely. The information is always represented in the form of histograms. This theoretical approach will be validated by fitting different types of experimental curves. To conclude, I will show how this model can be electrically represented by more conventional components, including the hysteretic effect, and used in circuit simulators.



Dr. Enrique Miranda is a Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. He has obtained two PhD degrees, the first in Electronics Engineering from the UAB (1999) and the second in Physics from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (2001). Dr. Miranda received numerous scholarships and awards including: Distinguished Visitor Award from Royal Academy of Engineering (University College London), German Exchange Academic Agency (Technical University Hamburg-Harburg), TAN CHIN TUAN (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), MATSUMAE (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) and WALTON award from the Science Foundation Ireland (Tyndall National Institute), among many others. Dr. Miranda is a Distinguished Lecturer of the Electron Devices Society (EDS-IEEE) since 2001, and member of the advisory board of the journal Microelectronics Reliability since 2003. He forms or has formed part of the Technical or Steering Committees of the main conferences in the field, including INFOS, IRPS, ESREF, MIEL, E-MRS, ESSDERC and IPFA. He has authored 196 peer-review journal papers and conference proceedings, as well as 3 book chapters. His work is devoted to the electron transport in thin dielectric films: direct and Fowler-Nordheim tunneling, effects of trapped charge, stress-induced leakage current, post-breakdown conduction, resistive switching and memristors.


Contact: Prof. Mario Lanza

